I design and code beautiful simple things & I love what I do.
Hello World! I am Meenal Phartiyal, a Front-End Developer based in Delhi, India. I recently graduated from Graphic Era University, Uttarakhand, India with a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering.
I enjoy taking complex problems and turning them into simple and beautiful interface designs. I also love the logic and structure of coding and always strive to write elegant and efficient code. I am focused and a quick learner, and I keep my work organized to maintain productivity.
When I am not coding, you may find me reading comics, manga, listening to music, watching anime, or sketching.
A compilation of my academic and professional materials that exemplifies my beliefs, skills, qualifications, education, and experiences.
A Web-based Application designed using HTML/CSS and JavaScript that uses Weather API from openweathermap.org for Weather Prediction.
This project include understaning the different uses of javascript's D3 library. Data Visualization include visualizing data as Tree Map, Choropleth, Heat Map, Scatter Plot, and Bar Chart.
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method based on 25-minute stretches of focused work broken by five-minute breaks. Longer breaks, typically 15 to 30 minutes, are taken after four consecutive work intervals.
Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It is a simple way to add formatting like headers, bold, bulleted lists, and so on to a plain text.
A Web Calculator with all basic functionalities, build using React JS.
A Random Quote Generating Machine build uisng JavaScript.
An online drum set build using React JS and sounds used from aws cloud of FreeCodeCamp.
A Convolution Neural Network based model that predicts age and gender of a person using a captured image preprocessed.
A Python GUI based Application that works on a Naïve Bayes, Supervised Machine Learning Classification Algorithm Model. Using Text Analysis as the major part it detects if a given mail is Spam or not a spam mail.
The main benefit of this system is that the use of the keyboard is completely eliminated, the user will have to respond through voice and mouse click only.
A Content Based Image Retrieval system implemented in python using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm.
(+91) 70654 68722
New Delhi, India